Should your small business develop its own mobile app?

Not so long ago, developing a dedicated mobile app seemed like a thing reserved for big companies or heavy-smoking developers locked in their parents’ basements. Not anymore – things have changed, my friend! Now, with more and more people creating apps, generating software to make them and users having grown accustomed to install apps for even the most menial of tasks, almost anyone can have an app.

Don’t get too excited just yet. Of course, everyone can have an app. But does everybody needs an app? And what about you and your business? Would be beneficial for you to make one? Some people could argue that yes, that an app for your company can be fun and informational while driving customers to you. But things aren’t that simple.

4 reasons why you need a custom 404 page

It doesn’t matter how big or small your small business site actually is – your visitors will eventually end up in a 404 page (you know, the page that pops up when someone is trying to access a page that simply doesn’t exist). Be it because they mistype your URLs or because you forgot to take down a broken link, they’ll probably come across the infamous 404 page.

Meet the 4 marketing trends that are about to go big

We already made some predictions for this 2016. Yet, re reading them now, they seem incomplete. Given how dynamic digital marketing actually is, that perception appear as unavoidable. If you’re to win the marketing race, you have to keep running on the edge of all things and ahead of everyone else. So, even just a couple of months have passed since that article, we feel like you should be aware of some of the trends that are about to explode in the upcoming months.

Do you PPC? 3 reasons to start doing it right away

You might not like and you may even refuse to engage in it but we’ve warned you already – paying for exposure will be insanely huge in 2016. That will mostly apply to content marketing but the old paid marketing tricks will remain under the spotlight, especially the star of today’s article – PPC. Pay-per-click has been a stable and popular marketing stunt for years – even for successful businesses.

Why so many brands use PPC? Well, exposure. And given the fierce competition for visibility in search results, many are using it because it works. That alone should have you already reaching for your wallet to pour some money on a PPC strategy. But if you still aren’t convinced, then perhaps these 3 reasons will show you why you should think of PPC for your small business.

5 mistakes that are killing your ecommerce business

Setting up an ecommerce business looks fairly easy, doesn’t it? You just have to have a name, a logo and an ecommerce platform – what’s so hard about that? Well, if you actually are thinking like this about ecommerce, you are gonna have a bad time when you set it up. As everything in the digital world (heck, as everything everywhere!), ecommerce takes planning, analysis and a little trial and error.

Fortunately, here at Lis7o we know a thing or two about ecommerce – and we’ve seen tons of mistakes. So, though we can’t make the planning for you, we can definitely help you out by telling you which mistakes you should avoid – if you don’t want your business to go down in a flash, that is.